Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Functional training is a classification of exercise which involves training the body for the activities performed in daily life.
Carrying & holding objects of various sizes and weights
Lifting and moving objects of various sizes and weights
Single leg strength/stability
Grip strength
Heart & Lung conditioning
Our “regular“ classes are one hour total and that includes a general warm up, a specific warm-up, a review or lesson on a movement, a strength workout, and a met con (metabolic conditioning) workout. Some classes also include a cool down or mobility session.
Our half sessions are half hour sessions .
We are constantly varied - just like life - so there is no typical class but here is a recent strength-focused day of programming
3 rounds squat prep
- 5 air squats
- 8 bird dogs
:30 goblet march
:30 overhead hold
3 rounds squat prep level 2
8 jump squats
8/8 DB pull throughs
8 Pallof presses
:20 goblet squat bottom hold
4x5 Back squats with 70% of Training max
Squat Accessory Work:
3 Rounds:
8/8 Single leg
100 banded knee flutters
5 Rounds
100m sprint
:30 heavy goblet march
50m Farmer Carry
:30 heavy goblet March
AND HERE IS A RECENT “regular” day
5 min general warmup
10 min specific warmup
Jacked Shoulder Circuit
3 rounds:
8 Arnold Press
:30 push up hold
8/8 Bicep curls with iso hold
:30 lateral db hold
WORKOUT: 20 min AMRAP alternating movements with a partner
10 ring rows
10 push press
2 wall walks (or mod to 4 walkouts)
The short answer, regardless of what you put in that blank, is “No.” It is your fitness and you ultimately decide what to do and not to with it. If you really don’t want to run or use a barbell, we have rowers and bikes and you can sub a Kettlebell or Dumbbell for barbell movements.
The longer answer is that our coaches have extensive training in how to customize the workout for you and getting outside of your comfort zone is a great way to get some fitness (and life) gains! Trust us to help you! That’s why we are here!
See our Blog & Membership pages for more Info!
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